Arpeggio Voices @ Oak Ridges

We welcome children to join our Group Voice Class program. Give your child a musical start as an emerging artist!  Singing in a small group is highly effective for beginners and a great way to teach your child transferable skills. It is a safe environment for every child to learn performing skills and makes music much more fun!

This program is open to any young singer between the ages of 5-12. While some previous vocal or musical training is helpful, it is not a requirement.

Voice Auditions run through August

Please give a call 416.953.9430

To book your spot. Auditions are free of charge.
10-15 minutes easy going in relaxed and playful atmosphere.
Be prepared to sing and follow voice and rhythmic exercises.

This program is open to any young singer between the ages of 5-12. While some previous vocal or musical training is helpful, it is not a requirement.

For Kids

5-12 Years old

Studio Location:

38, Portage Avenue Richmond Hill ON

For Kids

5-12 Years old

Studio Location:

38, Portage Avenue Richmond Hill ON

School Year 2023- 2024

Fast-growing Voice Program in the heart of Oak Ridges.

Looking for passionate singers from 5-14 years old.

If your child loves to sing and explore, be artistic and creative, loves to learn musical skills ( maybe even plays an instrument ) and wants to make lifelong friends… JOIN US!

Join our multi-faceted, educational program filled with laughter and fun!

Outdoor and indoor activities, games, music theory and art of making music.

Two planned performances in December and June, Voice Competitions.

Choose Tradition, Friendship and Fun!

Vocal Programs:

Piccolo 5-7 years old / 1 hour class

Dolce 1 / 2 8-11 years old/ 1 hour 15 minutes

Cantare 12-14 years old/ 1 hour 30 minutes


Piccolo is the youngest entrance level ensemble. Our young singers are introduced to music in an entertaining manner. They learn the basic concepts of singing, match the pitch, expressive speech, movement and drama. This is the time to establish an understanding of choral etiquette as well as to lay the foundation for a life- long love of music. Piccolo performs 2-4 times a year.
Dolce 1&2 ensembles consist of choristers in Grades 3-5.

Dolce 1 ensemble consists of beginners with limited or no experience in singing.

Dolce 2 choristers are very successful at singing unison, have an understanding of proper vocal technique and musical story- telling. They continue to develop their understanding how to read music and navigate a score. At this level children learn to sing in canon and are divided to keep two – part singing.

Choristers perform with expression accompanied by piano or other instruments. They explore the variety of different genres and styles. High standard of performance etiquette is expected.
Dolce performs 2-4 times a year.

Cantare is the intermediate ensemble for choristers in Grades 6-8.
They are comfortable matching pitches and holding harmonized melodies.
In addition to excelling their vocal technique Cantare choristers explore the challenges of 2 and 3-part singing.
Cantare performs 2-4 times a year.

Arpeggio Voice @ Oak Ridges offers Summer Break Voice Camp for new and existing choristers.

Children enjoy a wide range of repertoire from different cultures and genres, including Pop, Broadway and Music Theatre.

We will lay the groundwork that is required for these crucial and necessary skills which your child will use for the rest of their life. The program also offers music theory training to assist Ear training, Sight- singing and music literacy development. Theory Classes are offered for children starting 7 years old.

Tuition Fees:

Fall Term 14 classes

Piccolo $330

Dolce $400

Cantare $470

Winter Term 10 classes

Piccolo $200

Dolce $250

Cantare $300

Spring Term 14 classes

Piccolo $280

Dolce $350

Cantare $420

($50 year book fee incl)

Got a question? Call us at:

(416) 953 – 9430

Our Gallery

Yana Shelkovskaya is the head pedagogue and has over 25 years experience working with young musicians as a coach. She has a dual education in Piano and Voice/Conducting. She generously shares her passion for music with students and their parents. She is an invaluable source of inspiration and mentor in your child’s musical journey.

Join Us:

Phone: (416) 953-9430 / Address: 38, Portage Avenue Richmond Hill ON

Get in Touch:

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